Two for the price of one: no, I’m not selling veg, but to announce a little update to Leisure Suit Larry Wet Dreams Don’t Dry. First off is the news, second is the mini-review.
As you read earlier this week, I reviewed Leisure Suit Larry Wet Dreams Don’t Dry after it had been in my backlog for far too long. Overall, I was pleased with the game despite a few flaws, but it’s done now and time to move onto something else.
However, CrazyBunch announced that there would be a free update on the Switch which featured an epilogue to the story. Free? DLC on the Switch? What the what?! These guys are crazy.

Without fail, I started up the game and after a brief update, there was the epilogue available from the menu. I didn’t know what to expect, so I jumped straight in without planning to either be on Leisure Suit Larry Wet Dreams Don’t Dry for long (I do have a backlog, don’t you know).
First of all, there’s a disclaimer that encourages you to finish the game before playing the epilogue. Considering this came out a couple of years ago now, I’d expect everyone to have finished it, but even if you only just got it, you’d start with the main story first, right? Anyway, I’ll attempt to tip-toe around the story without giving any spoilers just in case.
Surprisingly, you don’t play Larry, instead, one of the characters introduced in the main game. The story starts about five minutes from the end of the main story, including a few flashbacks for exposition (you’re playing another character – we all know Mr Laffer, so no need for the details). Besides a few dialogue choices, it felt like an extended cutscene with no gameplay elements. However, once you return to the present, you take control of the former NPC to solve a few puzzles in one bonus location.

It took about 30 minutes or so to finish, based on my problem-solving abilities/adventure experience. It may take some longer or there are bound to be others saying they finished it in the time it takes to put on their leisure suit. It was a brief, non-taxing experience that didn’t offer up too much on the story but possibly a set up for a future title? Please CrazyBunch – you’re our only hope.
The ending was abrupt and somewhat disappointing, but it was a free addition, so stop complaining. I didn’t realise that PC owners had this update a few months ago, so I think I finished Leisure Suit Larry Wet Dreams Don’t Dry at just the right time, so everything was fresh in my seedy little mind.
Already own Leisure Suit Larry Wet Dreams Don’t Dry on the Nintendo Switch? Boot it up, download the update for free and Robert’s your mother’s brother!