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Rhythm Towers set for 2022
Rhythm Towers set for 2022
Source: Steam


Rhythm Towers: Defend Yourself With Your Hips

Wind your body, wiggle your belly and make sweet sweet towers to defend yourself in Rhythm Towers – coming to screens in 2022.

Rhythm Towers is the place to be if a) you have rhythm, b) you like tower defence titles. Hopefully, my enthusiasm in the latter should overpower my utterly useless skills in ti.. tim – timing.

innoloop (all lowercase) has managed to fuse a rhythm action based game with ingredients freshly picked from the tower defence genre to make their debut title. That’s a bit of a mouthful.

Rhythm Towers - Swing, baby
Swing, baby. Source: Steam

Located on an alien planet, players use their rhythm to build towers to fight back mysterious hordes. As a massive fan of the genre, it’s fair to say there isn’t anything like this that I know of and find it intriguing.

But if you also lack the rhythm, you don’t have to go it alone, as Rhythm Towers can be played as a couch co-op or online. Perhaps you should text your friend who used to bust moves at the school disco as your gaming buddy on this one?

Here’s a preview video:

Silliness aside, Rhythm Towers sounds (ha!) really great. Unfortunately, it’s not out until 2022, but set that reminder now by wishlisting it on Steam.

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