Revita Is A Cracker Of A Rogue-Like Coming To Steam

A procedurally generated clock tower, Revita will put players on the knife-edge in this rogue-like coming to Steam.

One of the best rogue-likes I played of late would have been Scourgebringer, coincidentally a title that is comparable with Revita, also published by Dear Villagers.

From solo developer BenStar, Revita has you climb an ominous clock tower to reclaim your lost memory. In a game that features procedurally generated rooms and boss fights, you will be able to trade health for randomised upgrades.

Features include:

  • Trade life for power: Exchange health for power in fast-paced glass cannon gameplay.
  • Unique runs: Battle through an almost infinite variety of combat encounters in procedurally generated rooms.
  • Endless character builds: Twin stick shooting, dashing and wall sliding are just the beginning – find power-ups and items on each run.
  • Tweak your game: An extensive set of options lets you tweak Revita to your playstyle – slow down time, set an outline colour for enemies to make them easier to track or choose the level of aim assist that feels right for you.
  • A mysterious world: Explore an underground subway line infested with monsters and filled with colourful characters who will help you on your journey.
  • Reclaim lost memories: A nameless child with no memories awakens in a mysterious clock tower that is connected by a metro system with only a vague sense of purpose, hoping to find answers at the top.

Some people spend their time playing games in the genres they love, I prefer to make them! …This game is a love letter to action platformers, roguelites, twin-stick games and the people who play them.

BenStar, a.k.a. Benjamoin Kiefer

Check out the trailer for Revita below:

Coming to Steam this year, more details in the following link to Steam.