Pathologic 2 Released On PS4 This Week

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When a game is being touted as ‘finding fun in suffering’, it gets my interest. Not because I’m a sadist, but either this title is incredibly deep and zen-like or it’s wickedly funny. I’m hoping that Pathologic 2 is the latter.

Without initially knowing too much about the game, from what can be gathered by the trailer, there are many hours to be spent in the world of Pathologic 2. Granted, I haven’t heard of any of the reviewers or sites, but they’ve never heard of me either. We should hook up 😉

Pathologic 2 - McCarthy
It’s a ruddy witch hunt! Source: PR.

First impressions are good, however. The landscape and UI look like Dishonored and also a bit of Vampyr. It’s difficult to see the fun in suffering idea as it does come across as a little bleak. Still, plagues aren’t about bouncy castles and juggling unicorns. On that note about being bleak, apparently you can’t save everyone in the plague that infests Pathologic 2 and gives the indication that there are consequences to your actions.


Some of the reviews on YouTube are a little long, but the consensus is that this one to watch out for. The atmosphere looks good, there are plenty of paths and options with NPCs to lose yourself and…well, I’d like to get hold of a copy for myself to make my own mind up.

As this is being released by tinyBuild, I’m very optimistic about Pathologic 2 as they’re behind quality titles such as Streets of Rogue and Speedrunners. After pleading for a review code and on the receiving end of radio silence, I bought myself a copy of the latter and will aim to review soon. In the meantime, you can read about my first impressions on Speedrunners.

Those swines on the Xbox One already have access to this, but PS4 gamers only have to wait a couple of days as it’s out 6th of March 2020.