Mirror Forge – A Silent Hill Inspired Horror Game?

What do you get if you cross Silent Hill with Stranger Things? Mirror Forge. Yeah, not the best punchline, but this first-person psychological horror looks superb!

Mirror Forge sounds like an upbeat game. As Thomas Jackson, you get drunk (two years ago), totalling your car, putting your girlfriend Jill in a coma, losing the baby, Covid kicks in, and so Thomas wants an exit point.

Despite all these horrific things, this is a game I’m dying to play. Why? Referring to it as a first-person Silent Hill/Stranger Things inspired psychological horror sounds fantastic. In particular, because it refers to Silent Hill.

I’ve yet to play Mystive Dev’s title, but from what I’ve seen so far of Mirror Forge, it looks superb. The game won’t be available until later in the year, but a video was recently released that teases at the new features in the game:

More importantly, you can try Mirror Forge on Steam as there’s a playable demo up. It’s currently sitting on my to-do list, and I can’t wait to get stuck in before the sun goes down. Deets below: