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Exploring Aurora The Lost Medallion: The Cave Demo
Exploring a cave – what, like cave-diving? Nope. Aurora The Lost Medallion: The Cave is a ‘hide and seek’ demo, a game from Noema Games, introducing us to Aurora’s world through a simple point and click adventure. It’s pretty short, but it’s a demo, so give it a try.
Anyhoo, let’s keep the story vague as the point of this little teaser is somewhat like a prologue, setting up the scene; the who, what, when, and why. In short, Aurora is the underdog who lacks a unique gift that her brethren hold, but as you might surmise, she might have more to offer than her peers think.
In the Aurora The Lost Medallion: The Cave demo, you play as the titular hero as they must seek out their friends in an underground cave/lab-type thing. The first few kids are super easy to find to the point that this borders on an on-rails visual novel. However, the next few kids require a little bit of problem-solving.
It’s not particularly hard, but at the same time, there is a bit of wandering about in this small play area. One particular puzzle requires you to activate it immediately after dialogue, and as I wasn’t getting it, my playthrough probably took a bit longer than it should have. Not that we’re on the clock, folks.
Aurora The Lost Medallion: The Cave reminds me a little of Anna’s Quest – both with the artwork and voice acting. It’s all rather pleasant and child-like – even some of the abuse the kids give one another, ‘Rotten Tooth!’ is fun and pretty innocent. It sure beats the hell out of some of the more aggressive games in my current playlist.
The artwork is good, the music is decent, and it generally shows promise. Of course, as a demo, it’s over too soon, and there wasn’t enough time to buy into the story. In truth, I skimmed over it initially as it felt a bit irrelevant to gameplay. However, I was convinced by the end of the demo, and it’ll be featured on my wishlist.
In the meantime, check out the Aurora The Lost Medallion: The Cave demo now while it’s available. You should be able to complete it within an hour or so, depending on your experience, and in fairness, it’s worth giving it a go if you’re also into point and clicks.
Less talk; download it!