Rebranding! If you're magically whisked away to, fear not: 'tis the new home of the site!
I’m Off
Right, so this is the umpteenth time I’ve updated this about page, but this is for the last time. On this domain, that is.
After faffing around with various settings, themes and plugins, I’ve grown tired of maintaining a supposedly simple site with over-complicated dev-based things. I’m a writer, for heaven’s sake – not a pilot!
I’m now relocating the site, and what with it being fresh and all, changed the ‘branding’. You’ll now see me sign off as Jeitaro – one of my many pseudonyms, and hopefully, not as divisive as Vulgar Knight (some thought it was a porn site, others thought I might be crass and swear a lot – none of that true, you fucking twats. Ha.)
If you’re reading this after being redirected, now you know. If you aren’t reading this, then why the hell am I writing it for?
TLDR: I’m dropping Vulgar Knight for Jeitaro and switched platforms. Thanks for the memories!